Fearless Community Media Executive Director by day.
Hopeless genealogy nerd by night.

When I was 15 years old and visiting my grandparents in Beavercreek, Ohio, my grandfather handed me a photo and said, “This is my mother, Lillian.”

We spent the rest of the afternoon pouring through old photo albums together and for the first time, I realized that the other people who came before me were actual people…not just names on a piece of paper.

After 35 years of gathering stories about dead people,  I began a blog to start documenting stories of my OWN life, mixed in with my ancestors. Along the way, I started working part-time in the genealogy world giving local presentations, record retrieval, social media consultations and digitizing and preserving archival materials from communities in my area.

When I am not doing genealogy, I am the Executive Director of Windsor Community Television in Windsor, Connecticut.

For a fancier sounding bio, please find me on the Connecticut Society of Genealogist’s Board of Governors page HERE.

Where I’m involved:

Some of the societies and online groups and  I belong to: