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  • Saying it out loud
    “I fully expect you to say no,” my fellow *NPE friend Bill Griffeth wrote to me in a Twitter message in the fall of 2018….
  • Losing a Tree
    For several years after I found out I wasn’t my Dad’s biological daughter, I couldn’t even look at his tree anymore. It was literally a…
  • Three things to never say to an NPE
    When people hear my story, they all react differently. There is sympathy, most definitely. There is shock, especially if they knew me as a kid….
  • My New Biological Siblings
    I’m asked, “What has actually changed since my DNA discovery?” Do you mean besides the whole “losing my entire identity” thing? Well, here’s one at…
  • Telling my Brothers and Sisters
    After my mother died, I didn’t have to keep my DNA discovery secret from my brothers and sisters any longer. The thought of telling them…
  • Being Good or Being Perfect?
    The other day, I listened to a podcast about *NPEs. The woman being interviewed said she started her own podcast because she wanted to take away…